
Vet people's friends too. They will be part of your life

Vet people's friends too. They will be part of your life

The 21 Con PATRIARCH EDITION for fathers and those that want to be fathers. I will be speaking there. Just do it if you are a father or someday desire to be a father
Tickets available here:

Legends of Tabletop LEGENDARY BREW Coffee. Use promo code Legends10 for 10% savings. And FREE SHIPPING!!!!

Subscribe to the MASCULINE GEEK podcast/YouTube Channel

JOIN my channel. Just click the JOIN button. Special private community chats where I speak to you and your issues directly. iOS users use this link:

My preferred beard trimming product:

Vortex Method T-Shirt:
UNSTUCK Coffee Mug:

Tickets are ON SALE NOW for the 21 Convention Patriarch edition. The link is

Sign up today for my PRIVATE "Unstuck" email list at


My observations about media and culture are fun and informative for some, offensive for some, but always the truth.


SUBSCRIBE to the GEORGE BRUNO Channel by clicking HERE:
Do you need a speaker for your next association event, conference, or awards dinner? I do two speeches a month. Contact me directly. Speaking fee is $25K

Buy some merch!


Do you shower? Sure hope so! Check out this pheromone soap.
Can a pheromone "Man Soap" help a man do better with ladies? It works like a charm for me. Get your "Tactical Soap" here. Use promo code SULTAN for a 20% discount. The BIGGEST discount you can get. Click here:

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The FINGERLESS GLOVES I wear daily in cold weather. Perfect for pipe and cigar aficionados:

MEAT LUVAHS! Carnivores! Ribeye Steaks! If you want top-notch well-marbled ribeyes and other meat delivered right to your door, I recommend ButcherBox!
Get it here:

I have tried many CBD products and settled on this for quality and I LOVE the smell of it! Nice and green icky sticky-ish

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Incredible BONE CONDUCTION headphones!

Lapsang Souchong SMOKY Tea:

French Press:
Hand Grinder:


I’ve been creating content with the sole purpose of improving your appearance, your health, money, and your relationships.

What began as a men's grooming channel quickly evolved into a movement focused on getting UNSTUCK in many areas of life. Be it in your finances, relationships, health or career, this channel is the place to be if you want to get UNSTUCK and live YOUR most excellent life




The Rational Male (Audio book)
The Rational Male (Printed)
Gorilla Mindset:
Tactical Guide to Women: Dr Shawn T Smith wrote a book for men on how to manage risk when dating. YOU MUST GET THIS. The Tactical Guide to Women: How Men Can Manage Risk in Dating and Marriage.
Get it here:
NO MORE MR NICE GUY by Dr Robert Glover:
MODE ONE: Stop getting your heart broke. Stop breaking hearts. No manipulation, tricking or convincing. Read Mode One and your dating life will change FAST

SPONSOR A DAILY SHOW or a series of videos featuring your product or service

Let's do business together! What a great way to reach a solid responsive audience of men chasing excellence and becoming a better version of yourself. You can sponsor a video, get a shout out, or sponsor the whole channel. Send all inquiries to

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