
Top 35 Insects That You Didn't Know!

Top 35 Insects That You Didn't Know! 35. Ear Moth (Scientific Name: Amphipoea Oculea)

34. Small Dotted Buff (Scientific Name: Photedes Minima)

33. Elephant Hawk-Moth (Scientific Name: Deilephila Elpenor)

32. Tessellated Gargantuan Cockroach / Peppered Cockroach ( Scientific Name: Archimandrita Tessellata)

31. Goliath Beetles (Scientific Name: Goliathus)

30. Plaster Bagworm / Household Casebearer (Scientific Name: Phereoeca Uterella)

29. Drain fly (Scientific Name: Psychodidae)

28. Common Earwig / European Earwig (Scientific Name: Forficula Auricularia)

27. Horse-fly (Scientific Name: Tabanidae)

26. Common Fruit Fly / Vinegar Fly ( Scientific Name: Drosophila Melanogaster)

25. Sun Spiders / Camel Spiders / Wind Scorpions (Scientific Name: Solifugae)

23. Whip Spiders / Tailless Whip Scorpions (Scientific Name: Amblypygi)

23. Whip Scorpions / Vinegaroons (Scientific Name: Uropygi)

22. Executioner Wasp / Neotropical Vespid Wasp (Scientific Name: Polistes Carnifex)

22. Cicada (Scientific Name: Cicadoidea)

20. Giant Water Bugs / Colloquially As Toe-Biters / Indian Toe-Biters / Electric-Light Bugs / Alligator Ticks / Alligator Fleas ( Scientific Name: Belostomatidae)

19. Silverfish ( Scientific Name: Lepisma Saccharina)

18. Stick Insects / stick-bugs / Walking Sticks / Bug Sticks. They are generally referred to as Phasmatodeans / Phasmids  / Ghost Insects. Phasmids in the family Phylliidae are called Leaf Insects / Leaf-bugs / Walking Leaves / Bug Leaves (Scientific Name: Phasmatodea)

17. Giant Prickly Stick Insect / The Spiny Leaf Insect / Macleay's Spectre /  The Australian Walking Stick ( Scientific Name: Extatosoma Tiaratum)

16. Flesh Fly (Scientific Name: Sarcophagidae)

15. Tiger Moths (Scientific Name: Cosmosoma Stibosticta)

14. Katydids / Bush Crickets / Long-Horned Grasshoppers (Scientific Name: Tettigoniidae)

13.  Little Barrier Giant Weta / Wetapunga (Scientific Name: Deinacrida  Heteracantha)

12. Southern Flannel Moth / Puss Caterpillar / Asp / Italian Asp / Woolly Slug / Opossum Bug / Puss Moth / Tree Asp / Asp Caterpillar (Scientific Name: Megalopyge Opercularis)

11. Tawny Mole Cricket (Scientific Name: Neoscapteriscus Vicinus)

10. Solórzano's Velvet Worm (Scientific Name: Peripatus Solorzanoi)

9. Harvestmen / Harvesters / Daddy Longlegs (Scientific Name: Opiliones)

8. Velvet Ants (Scientific Name: Dasymutilla Magnifica)

7. Warrior Wasp (Scientific Name: Synoeca Septentrionalis)

6. European Paper Wasp / YellowJacket (Scientific name: Polistes Dominula)

5. Japanese Giant Hornet ( Vespa Mandarinia Japonica)

4. Atlas Beetle (Scientific Name: Scientific Name: Chalcosoma Atlas)

3. Rhinoceros Beetles ( Scientific Name: Dynastinae)

2. True Wasps (Scientific Name: Vespinae)

1. Red Paper Wasp (Scientific Name: Polistes Carolina)


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