
SwiftUI - How to do Navigation in your Swift UI app

SwiftUI - How to do Navigation in your Swift UI app In this SwiftUI video, you'll learn how to display a list of data, navigate between two views and pass data between them.

I'm following and learning from Apple’s own SwiftUI tutorials and I highly recommend that you give them a read as well:

I'll be publishing more SwiftUI content and tutorials in the coming days so make sure you're subscribed and you won’t miss a beat:

SwiftUI is a new declarative framework to build user interfaces for apps across all of Apple’s platforms including iOS and the new iPadOS.

I’m super excited about Swift UI because it addresses the biggest concern I had with teaching programmatic UIs to beginners: that they would get lost and get discouraged.

SwiftUI is both intuitive and easy to grasp and it offers the maintainability and flexibility of a UI built with code. I’m going to start adopting it into my beginner material and I think you guys are going to really like it!

#swiftui #codewithchris

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