
How to Get Local Businesses to Refer Their Customers to You Every Month for Free

How to Get Local Businesses to Refer Their Customers to You Every Month for Free Welcome to this video on how to get other local businesses to refer their customers to YOUR local business, every month, for free.

This video explains what we do over at and how to get 100% free access to our 14-Day Fast Start Training on Partner Referral Marketing.

Here's the problem...

Advertising is expensive. And when it doesn’t work, it’s like you flushed money down the drain.

Getting your local business found on Google is almost impossible if you’re not on the first page of search results.

And the organic reach of social media has dwindled dramatically because they want you to pay. They want you to buy advertising.

On top of all that, consumers are in a constant state of distraction...with a micro-second attention span for anything that doesn’t immediately COMMAND their attention.

So what can you do in this hyper-competitive, noisy marketplace to get new customers, clients or patients for your local business...consistently, reliably and inexpensively?

My name is Eric Ruth.

For two decades I’ve been teaching relationship marketing to thousands of local business owners like you.

Along the way I’ve won marketing awards and made the Inc 500 list of fastest growing companies in America, twice. I’m not telling you that to brag, but just to differentiate myself from the johnny come latelys.

I have zero interest in marketing gimmicks or fads that are here today and gone tomorrow. I’m only interested in professional, proven marketing PRINCIPLES and strategies that produce win-win outcomes and strong relationships for you and your customers.

Because the secret to an ever-growing, increasingly profitable local increasing the quantity and quality of relationships you have with the folks in your local community.

It’s that simple.

Because NOTHING else cuts through the marketing clutter and commands attention like a message from someone you know, like, and most of all, TRUST.

No amount of tactical advertising, search engine optimization or social media posting trumps the STRATEGIC POWER of relationship.

Never has, and never will.

Just look at every marketing survey or study EVER DONE.

All the statistics about word of mouth referral marketing, and YOUR OWN buying behavior are proof that the strategy that matters most...the ULTIMATE strategy for getting more customers and growing your growing the quantity and quality of relationships within your local community.

But how do you do that...effectively and efficiently?

How do you do that with LESS time, less effort and less money invested? Not more.

How do you do it quickly, easily and for free?

The answer is right here inside LocalByReferral®.

You’re about to learn a simple system for growing and leveraging a team of referral partners in your town. A team of excellent business owners like you who refer all their customers to you each and every month like clockwork, for free.

A team of partners who appreciate and value relationships, because they recognize relationships hold the secret to more rewarding, more fun and more profitable business and personal growth.

If you’re interested in learning how to do this, then just go to and enter your email address and I’ll take you down the most remarkable rabbit hole of rewarding local relationship marketing you’ve ever seen.

I’ll teach you, 100% free of charge, how to get your first local referral partners, launch your first SuddenSurge™ partner referral marketing campaign, and get new customers within just 14 days.

It’s fast. It’s fun. And it’s free.

If you believe, like I do, that you’re watching this video right now for a reason, then enter your email address to begin your free 14-day fast start training. Thanks for your interest, and I’ll see you inside LocalByReferral®.

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