
Common ENT symptoms | Common ENT diseases

Common ENT symptoms | Common ENT diseases Ear wax is a very common issue which can cause blockage. Injury to the ear can happen by agitating it by finger nail. You can also have swimmers ear. Sometimes you can also have fungal infection. Pain can also happen due to the injury to ear drum.
Breathing issues are perhaps most commonly encountered and severe issues. Even a cold quite disturbing which can cause lack of sleep. Infection, allergy ,growth in the nasal cavities also cause problems. In children very commonly adenoids. These are mass of tissues in the back of nasal cavity. Tonsils are also cause problems. You can have discharge from the nose caused by sinusitis.
Pain in the throat because of infection in the throat or tongue is very common issue. Swelling of tongue for various reasons also can cause change in the voice. Hoarseness of the voice is normally due to vocal cords not vibrating properly. People will have problems with swelling in the throat.

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