
5 Techniques to Promote Your Content When You Don’t Have Any Money

5 Techniques to Promote Your Content When You Don’t Have Any Money 5 Techniques to Promote Your Content When You Don’t Have Any Money // You know you need more traffic to your blog post but you don't have the money to spend to get those eyeballs. What should you do? Today I'm going to teach you five ways to promote your content when you don't have any money.


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The first tip I have for you is answer Quora questions.

Quora is such a popular site, one of the most popular sites in the world.

There are questions around everything, like what is it like to be an Olympic gold medalist?

To, how do you get traffic to a blog?

To, who is Neil Patel?

There are questions on every topic under the sun.

If you go on Quora, and you start answering all these questions, and you even link out to your blog whenever it's relevant, you'll find that you're going to start getting more and more traffic.

Why is this?

Well, these Quora posts rank for everything in Google.

It's one of the simplest and easiest ways

to get more traffic to your site.

The second tip I have for you is to go live on social media.

Even if you don't have the biggest social following, live videos are super engaging and all these socialites show it to almost all of your subscribers because they want to compete with all the television networks.

If you look at people like Tai Lopez, some people may hate on him, but he's a really smart marketer.

When he goes live, he can generate hundreds and hundreds and thousands of dollars in sales, just from his live videos.

It's a smart tactic.

Not only is he getting people to go wherever he wants but he's also generating real revenue from it because a live audience is very captive.

The third tip I have for you is video teasers.

If you just bust out your phone and you do a video teaser, talking about what you're going to release, or this content, or what is new, and why they should check it out, or why they should be patient and wait for the next week, they're more likely to come the next week and actually read that blog post.

You know, Apple, whenever they launch new products, they do this whole event.

They create all this mystery.

They're doing videos and conferences, breaking down what they're going to release in the future.

These teasers are a great way to build up the pent up demand for the product right when they launch it, and you can do the same with your content.

You just have to create videos that tease people to let them know what's coming out in the future.

The fourth tip I have for you is to answer questions on social media.

Whether it's Facebook, whether it's Twitter, people are tweeting, asking questions.

Whether it's groups, it doesn't matter where it is.

If you go there and you respond and help people out, they're more likely to follow you.

Not just on the social web, but they're also going to follow you on your website.

And the beautiful part about this, especially when you do it on sites that are your competitors, you're going to get more link clicks because when you leave a comment, you can typically link back to your site.

When you do this on the social web, you'll find that you're getting more followers and that way when you release more content, you'll get more views.

But it's a very effective strategy, especially when you do it to competitors because they have your ideal audience.

And last but not least, direct outreach.

When you link out to people, let them know that you linked out to them.

Just email asking to share your content.

You know how many emails I get of people saying, hey Neil, I linked out to you.

I love your content.

If you like the post, feel free and share it.

I don't share all the time but I do it some of the time.

It works, it even works with me.

That's just showing you that outreach, if you take the time, you can get extra shares.

Sure, not 100% of the people are going to share your content or link back out to you, but if you do it in quantity, you will get extra traffic from it.

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