Say, "Be careful what you wish for" or call it the law of unintended consequences. For decades, feminists screamed, "I am woman, hear me roar" — now it's "Hear me squeal — a man just walked through our door!"
The issue? Men claiming womanhood (MCW, AKA "transgenders") are invading women's spaces — such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and prisons — and are entering female competitions, taking away gold and glory. Examples are MCW who in recent years won "women's" titles in weightlifting, cycling, sprinting, golf long driving, and even a beauty pageant.
This is no pretty picture to feminists. Wizened old Germaine Greer took heat in 2016 for saying men getting a medical procedure "doesn't make them a woman." Ex-tennis star Martina Navratilova is currently being ostracized for writing that having MCW in women's sports is "insane" and is "cheating." Feminist writer Meghan Murphy just sued Twitter for banning her for tweeting "men aren't women" (my, my — employing white male linear logic!). And feminist Julia Beck (video below) was kicked off a Baltimore LGBT committee for using masculine pronouns when referencing, the nerve of her, a man.
Now, I've produced more material inveighing against "transgenderism" than you care to know (and that I care to have written). Yet there's something here preventing me from endorsing these feminists' fight unreservedly; it's a striking blindness to a striking truth afflicting both liberals and most conservatives.
To wit: Feminists are now merely being hoisted with their own petards. They themselves laid the foundation for the transgender agenda they bemoan.
Let's take a trip down Bad Memory Lane. For approximately three decades, the prevailing feminist doctrine was "gender neutrality" theory; it held that the sexes are the same except for the superficial physical differences, therefore raising boys and girls the same way will result in their being identical beneath the skin. This was embraced so radically that, as iconoclastic feminist Camille Paglia once related, feminists would corner her on college campuses in the '70s, glaring, and swear that hormones didn't exist and that even if they did, they couldn't possibly influence behavior.
Though I never believed it, I was accosted with this theory as a teen and young adult, as many of you no doubt were. It was convenient for feminists. After all, convince people of the sexes' sameness, the thinking (feeling?) goes, and there can be no justification for keeping women from traditionally male arenas.
The social pressure brought to bear was profound, too. "Gender neutrality" theory was Science™, opposed only by knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, backward Neanderthals. Sound familiar?
The connection to transgenderism should be obvious. The feminists spread notion A, "that the sexes are the same except for the superficial physical differences." Then transgender activists came along and merely espoused B, a corollary: if you change the superficial physical differences, you can be the opposite sex.
You can draw a straight line from one to the next — B absolutely, logically follows from A.
Related to this, some feminists complain that if a man can be female just by saying so, it dilutes the idea of "woman." But did feminism not start this dilution with sameness-beneath-the-skin doctrine?
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