Space documentary - Eyes on the Skies. Identifying the stars of our own Milky Way Galaxy as some other suns or the billions of relative galaxies composing the other parts of our Cosmos. By simply taking our sensation of view substantially past the realm of our forbears' imagination. For millennia humanity looked out right into the mesmerising night time skies. Or perhaps that we are actually simply punctuation in deep space's 13.7 billion year-long tale. These wonderful instruments - the telescopes, open the way to a deeper and more perfect understanding of nature. - René Descartes, 1637. Enjoy this space documentary 2019.
Credit: Direction & Executive Producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen, ESA/ESO The material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Art Director/Production Designer: Martin Kornmesser, ESA/ESO Written by: Govert Schilling, Lars Lindberg Christensen, ESA/ESO 3D Animations: Martin Kornmesser (ESA/ESO), Luis Calçada (ESO) DVD Authoring: Andre Roquette (ESA/ESO), Lee Pullen (ESA/ESO) Research: Laura Simurda, ESA/ESO Editing: Martin Kornmesser, ESA/ESO Cinematographer & Narration Mastering: Peter Rixner Soundtrack & Sound Effects: movetwo - Axel Kornmesser & Markus Löffler Lead Scientist: Dr. J (Dr. Joe Liske, ESO) Technical Support: Lars Holm Nielsen (ESA/ESO), Raquel Yumi Shida (IAU/ESA-ESO), Dirk Essl (ESO) IYA2009 Coordination: Pedro Russo & Mariana Barrosa (IAU/ESA-ESO) Proof reading: Anne Rhodes
Milky Way Galaxy documentary
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