
John Glover—the scent of their roses does not remain (2019)

John Glover—the scent of their roses does not remain (2019) John Glover and I have been friends for about half as long as we've actually known each other, the latter being about 20 years. We both attended Indiana University at the same time, and both think we knew *of* each other, but it took us both living in New York City and eventually, glacially, moving toward each other via the fabric of mutual friends, for us to truly connect. I consider him one of my dearest, most trusted friends. When I want to try a piece out, I call him. He's heard certain works multiple times, patiently listening as I barrel through, swearing, apologizing. I've played another large-scale work of his, "postcard" for piano and electronics. This piece, "the scent of their roses does not remain," Glover wrote for Briana Matzke as part of her Responses Project. In this case, Glover is responding to the Bob Dylan song, "Queen Jane Approximately." Matzke premiered "the scent..." during the winter, and I had the pleasure of being John's sounding board (for a change) as he developed this short but powerful piece. It's my now honor to perform it whenever I can. Of course I'd do anything to re-play the first measure of *this* performance and hit a couple of the right notes. Typically, despite every attempt to tread carefully, I blasted into the opening phrase like being shot out of a cannon. Thankfully, I was able to regain some composure. Glover was present—this was a very emotional night for us. In essence, I was playing it only for him.


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