allergy inoculation therapy is the therapy to get rid of your allergies! Lots of information on that all over :)
1. Apple cider vinegar
promote the growth of friendly bacteria Apple cider vinegar is also rich in potassium and magnesium. A deficiency of both these minerals has been linked to seasonal allergies
2. Probiotics
study found that people who took probiotics during allergy season had lower levels of a specific antibody thought to trigger allergy symptoms. And that the same time, they had higher levels of an antibody researchers believe may help protect against allergic reactions
3. Omega-3 and Omega-6
Omega 3 helps fight inflammation
Omega-6 EFA’s, which are also potent natural remedies for all types of allergies, especially hay fever. So definitely do your research on this one!! Lots of good benefits to this one!
4. Local honey helps you to build up an immunity against pollen
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