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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
In the latest edition of my congressman is so much worse than your Congressman Matt Gaetz, the Republican Representative of Florida's first district where I happen to be sitting right now and where I've lived most of my life. Um, he recently told buzzfeed news that Congress sucks. This place sucks is what Matt Gaetz had the say about serving as a US representative in Washington DC. Congress sucks. And he admitted in the same interview that the only reason he's there in DC right now is to protect Donald Trump. That's his job. He's not up there representing myself or any of the other people in this district. He is there to protect Donald Trump because, gosh darn it, those Democrats are so darn mean to him all the time. And somebody's gotta stick up for him. And Gate says, even Republicans sometimes he has to stand up to because they're not falling in line with Donald Trump.
Here's a few quotes. Um, when he was asked why he's in DC specifically, he says, I don't know. I don't know if I'd fit in to this place. In the absence of the president. I wouldn't even fit in in DC if it wasn't for me being here to defend every single thing that this president does because that's my goal in life. Um, they come for him every day. They'll never stop. He has such a disruptive force in this town. You've got all the Democrats and even some of the Republicans hoping for him to slip or falter. Defending the president is not an end unto itself in service to my desire to make this town a better place. That's why I'm doing this. I am defending the president constantly, even among, uh, from his, you know, worst actions. I'm defending him constantly because we're trying to make DC a better place.
No, listen bud, you want to make DC a better place then. How about your hop on board with all the people doing the investigations into the financial crimes that the president has likely committed and then get him out of office that would make DC a better place. It would make DC a nicer place. But I want to go back to the first statement, not just that he's not working for his constituents down here because they, most of them don't care. They will continue to vote for him until he decides not to run. That's just how this area operates. I hate it. It's disgusting. They don't care what he stands for, what he says or what he does. They will continue to vote for him because this is such a grossly deep red area of the state of Florida. But back to the first comment, this place sucks.
Yeah. I imagine it does. When you spend every day of your career being a disgusting Brown noser defending a man who would just as soon stab you in the back. The second you look at him the wrong way. I imagine it's pretty hard to make friends. I imagine it's pretty hard to find somebody to go pal around with, maybe sit and have a few drinks after work one day. Although please Matt, don't get behind the wheel again cause we all know your history with drinking and driving. But nonetheless, yeah, when you're an asshole, life kind of sucks sometimes. And that's what you're dealing with right now. When you're a horrible human being, people don't like you and that makes things difficult for you and that's what you're dealing with. He goes on in the interview to say, let's stop with the investigation so we can work on legislation.
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