
The Identity of The Sphinx Revealed and The Lost Religion of Zep-Tepi in Egypt | Ancient Architects

The Identity of The Sphinx Revealed and The Lost Religion of Zep-Tepi in Egypt | Ancient Architects NEW CHANNEL FROM ANCIENT ARCHITECTS: "Space and Planet" launches this month. Please subscribe now at

The Sphinx is a real enigma of ancient history and there has long been a debate about not just how old it is, but what it represents. Robert Temple has proposed the idea that The Great Sphinx at Giza in Egypt represents the god Anubis, while Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval attest that it is a lion, looking out due east towards the constellation of Leo back in 10,500 BC.

I have speculated in the past that The Sphinx is Hapi the water god, and then Neith, and Ancient Egyptian goddess in the north.

Now, after looking in detail at the Dream Stele between the paws of the Ancient Monument, it clearly explains what The Sphinx represents and I explain how it relates to the monotheistic religion brought into Egypt by the heretic king, Akhenatan in the 18th Dynasty and why he portrayed himself as a sphinx so often.

Was Akhenaten actually bringing back the original Ancient Egyptian religion from Zep-Tepi? What did his grandfather, Thutmose IV find under The Sphinx? Watch the video to find some new information, as well as a new hypothesis on what The Sphinx is really all about.

All images are taken from Google Images for educational purposes only.

#TheSphinx #AncientEgypt #GreatSphinx #Giza #Pyramids

Ancient Architects,Zep Tepi,The Sphinx,The Great Sphinx,Giza,Akhenaten,Tutankhamen,Lost History,What is The Sphinx?,Graham Hancock,Lion or Anubis,Robert Temple,Sphinx Lion,Water Erosion Sphinx,Atenism,The Aten,Sun Worship,Egyptian Religion,Ancient Egypt,Pyramids of Egypt,Age of the Sphinx,Who built the pyramids,Aker Lions,Neith,Hapi,Gods of Egypt,Monotheism,Akhenaten Religion,18th dynasty,Tuthmose IV,Dream Stele,Amenhotep III,Khufu,Giza Plateau,

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