
The BELIEF System of Sadhguru EXPLAINED (Enlightened People and Beliefs)

The BELIEF System of Sadhguru EXPLAINED (Enlightened People and Beliefs) To experience THE SHIFT click here ➡

This video will show you the The BELIEF System of Sadhguru and Enlightened People . Transcript below...

this video I'm going to be sharing with you that have the belief system of set guru. I'm going to show you how the belief system works of what is called an enlightened person and how we can also transcend belief into a whole new paradigm. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now this video I'm going to be sharing with you more of understanding the belief system of somebody that we consider to be enlightened. Now, the reason I'm doing this is because if you've been following my channel for a while, then you know that what I think is even more powerful than what people call the law of attraction is understanding that our beliefs create our reality. That what we believe to be true is always reflected back to us. And the thing is is from person to person to person.

Those beliefs will be different and that's why everyone gets a different reality that they perceive of. So the key is that a lot of people go around trying to attract certain things in their life, focused on things. But the thing is, is unless they believe that they deserve, that we're sort of focused on, unless they believe that it is something that they can accomplish, they won't actually experienced that thing in their life. This is why many times we have to get to the core of what we believe to be true. Then let go of the stuff that no longer serves so that we can get to a new level of consciousness or a new level to where we allow things into our life in an easier way. Now, in a very simplistic type way and a very condensed way to explain this as we raise our vibrational frequency, the things that we want to create our life happen easier than ever.

But also our wants will change going from certain levels of consciousness. We'll see that our thoughts are our, our, uh, our desires change. Like when people respond to me and asked me questions because I get a lot of people that dme everyday asking questions. One of the ones I get a lot is people asking how they can manifest a text message from someone else or how they can bring their ex back into their life. Now, here's the thing. If that's the frame that we're coming from, then we're coming at it from a frame that says, I don't believe that I'm already whole and complete. I hope that that person that brought me happiness in the past will come back into my life. I don't feel already all incomplete. I'm hoping that person will text me back because then I'll feel validation and I'll feel better about myself.

But you see, when you raise your level of consciousness, you don't seek the other people's validation. You aren't trying to get an ex back into your life because you know that you're already whole and complete and you're standing strong within your own frame. So the key is, and what I encourage people to do is to not just so much change your beliefs or even so much to try to attract to your life, but first off, shift your level of consciousness because in a higher level of consciousness, you're going to desire different things in your life. So this is what I think is the bypass. Rather than going about it in the way of the intellectual part of beliefs create reality. Let me change what I believe now it is. It is true. Our beliefs create our reality. However, there's higher level paradigms than just that a belief.

That's why I'm talking about side Guru today and talking about enlightened people in general, people that we consider to be enlightened because when we transcend our level of consciousness, we don't need to even have a belief system. So set guru. If you don't know who he is, is somebody that many people consider to be enlightened. I would if I looked at what enlightenment is, I would say that he is enlightened from what I can see and from what I can feel and that of an enlightened person a lot of times has a lot of mysticism around it and it's for a certain purpose as well because the goal or somebody that is enlightened many times, one intention they normally have is to help break apart people's belief systems. So just when you think like you understand Santa Guru, many times that will be kind of thrown on his back....

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

This video is about The BELIEF System of Sadhguru and Enlightened People

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