
7 Podcast Recommendations

7 Podcast Recommendations Can you see the hangover in my eyes because I sure can. Podcasts! Timestamps, links, and teaser episode below the fold ↓

0:32 Everything is Alive

Listen to Choike, Grain of Sand

1:29 Dear Hank And John

Listen to Snack Man

2;29 Dear Sugars

Listen to Emotional Labor

4:40 A Very Fatal Murder

Listen from the start

5:40 You, Me & The Big C

Listen to About Death

7:10 Answer Me This

Listen to the latest episode, currently #371
(feel like I did a bad job explaining Answer Me This, it’s intelligent and curious and they’re basically people you would love to be sat next to at a dinner party)

9:04 Ologies

Listen to Entomophagy Anthropology (EATING BUTS AS SUSTAINABLE PROTEIN)

My favourite podcast app

I also bought a light for my setup! Have been somewhat discouraged to film videos since moving into this flat because of the lack of natural light / backdrops combinations, but this is an improvement! Apart from my mic was picking up some low hum which it doesn't usually, and which I've mostly managed to edit out, but will investigate the source of the hum before next video.



podcasts,everything is alive,radiotopia,ian chillag,dear hank and john,dear sugars,a very fatal murder,the onion,you me and the big c,cancer,answer me this,helen zaltzman,ologies,alie ward,olly mann,pocket casts,npr,

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