
10 Psychologically PROVEN Flirting Techniques!

10 Psychologically PROVEN Flirting Techniques! Tips on how and when to flirt that are backed by science! From eye contact to wearing red here are some of the best strategies psychologically proven to up your dating game

#10. “Eye Contact”-- One of the most tried and true flirting techniques that has been used by both sexes since before humans first walked on two legs is that of eye contact. There is a saying that goes the eyes are the gateway to the soul and this has actually been psychologically proven at least when it comes to the flirting game. There are blatant ways to show that you are interested such as winking or batting your eyelashes. However these can be creepy if the person doesn’t already know your personality or isn’t interested in you. There are also more subtle ways like discreetly looking at the person you are interested in and then turning away when they look at you. If someone does this to you it means they are probably interested, but if you try this on someone and instead of playing along they give you the cold shoulder it just isn’t meant to be. Lastly, there is the ‘all-in’ eye contact method where you gaze longingly into a person’s eyes and only break eye contact in order to look them up and down. This one can be quite seductive but if the person is on the fence about you it could push them away. If you aren’t careful and stare too long you might send the message that you are a stalker, not just trying to be flirty.

#9. “Touching”--Touching someone is one of the easiest ways to ignite a spark in someone and let them know how you feel without having to memorize poetry. Of course most of the instances where this type of flirting are acceptable are when you already know the person or they have established that it is okay. Touching is not something you should do to a stranger at a bar, especially if you are a man, unless you want to get pepper-sprayed. But when it feels right there are a few different types of touching another person that have been psychologically proven to work. There is friendly touching which usually applies to someone you are just beginning to know. This can be in the form of a high-five or handshake, tapping their shoulder or a playful nudge. The next step up is reserved for people you already have an established rapport with but want to show that you want to get to know them more. In this case you might touch a person on their arm, put your hand on their back for support, or touch them in a playful manner like tickling. The last type of touching that has been proven to work is reserved for the big time. When you already have a feeling they might be mutually interested in you but don’t know how to break the barrier touching their face will most assuredly signal how you feel.

#8. “Wear Red”-- The color red has long been associated with romance and this is not a coincidence as there is something about the powerful nature of the color that evokes passion in people. It has been psychologically proven that if you want to be noticed by someone of the opposite sex that wearing the color red can speed up the process. Scientists theorize that our attraction to the color red may be attributed to our evolutionary past as many animals, such as birds, display bright colors in order to attract a mate. The red is also a color that can be worn almost anyone of any skin tone and it will be flattering to their natural features. If you wear a red dress, red socks, or a red tie you are more likely to stand out in a crowd. This makes red the most powerful color for flirting in a social gathering like a dance or formal event. Because it makes you stand out more, red has the added effect of making whoever wears it appear more confident because they wear it knowing that people will look at them but don’t mind.

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