
10 Important Advantages of Homeschooling | Amazing Benefits of Homeschooling

10 Important Advantages of Homeschooling | Amazing Benefits of Homeschooling 10 Important Advantages of Homeschooling

A new study from the Fraser Institute suggests that a growing number of Canadian families are choosing to home school their children. But why? Here are 10 Important Advantages of Homeschooling.

Number 10: Great Teacher-to-Student Ratio.
One factor that is known to be extremely important to educating a child effectively is the teacher-to-student ratio, or the number of students for which a teacher is responsible. Several studies in Israel and the United States showed that smaller classes demonstrated a significant improvement in early learning and cognitive studies. Since homeschooling is done largely on a one-on-one basis, there is no better teacher-to-student ratio than this.

Number 9: Tailored Education.
Since homeschooling is focused on children as individuals, a child's education can be tailored according to his capabilities and personality. If a child excels in a specific area, his education in that area can be accelerated. For example, if a child is a visual learner, more visual elements can be incorporated into that child's instruction.

Number 8: More Bonding Time.
Children grow up fast. Many parents wish they can recapture those moments when their children were young. Homeschooling provides parents this opportunity of spending time with their children while still young.

Instead of sending them to the bus stop and welcoming them eight hours later, you can eat lunch together, cuddle over a science lesson, or head to a park while learning about nature. It is also a wonderful opportunity for character training, conflict resolution, and other important values that parents want their children to learn.

Number 7: More Time to Play.
In 2012, a review of more than 40 studies highlighted the relationship between play and creative problem-solving, cooperation and logical thinking. Research by Edward Fisher also found that play can enhance early development by anything from 33% to 67% by increasing adjustment, improving language skills and reducing social and emotional problems. This has positive implications for both educational development and everyday intellectual life.

Number 6: Safer Environment.
Bullying is a major problem in public schools. It is reported that 90% of 4th through 8th graders are victims of bullying, and 1 in 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying.

Bullying can have a wide spectrum of effects on a student, including anger, depression, stress, and suicide. The bully can also grow up to develop different social disorders, or have higher chances of engaging in criminal activity.

Number 5: Flexible Travel Dates.
One of the reasons why some families homeschool their children is the freedom to travel. Homeschooled children don't have to wait for “spring break,” “Summer break,” or “Christmas break” to travel. They can travel whenever they want. They can travel during peak season, low season, or out of season. For many families, travelling and schooling seem to compliment each other.

Number 4: Virus Outbreaks.
Infectious diseases are a major cause of illness among school-aged children. There are numerous opportunities for infections to be passed from child to child within the school setting. Children have a higher risk of developing and spreading infections because they play closely together, spend a lot of time together, readily share their possessions, food and germs.

Number 3: Plenty of Time for Napping.
Nap. It's a small word, but for most parents a hugely important one. Why? Sleep is a major requirement for good health, and for young kids to get enough of it, some daytime sleep is usually needed. Crucial physical and mental development occurs in early childhood, and naps provide much-needed downtime for growth and rejuvenation.

Number 2: Parents Can learn, Too.
By homeschooling your children, you will be able to relearn many lessons that you may have forgotten. You will also develop strategies how to simplify lessons that you had difficulty learning while a student. Most of all, you will develop the habit of learning that will yield more benefits in the latter stages of your life.

Number 1: Smarter Kids.
According to the Academic Statistics on Homeschooling, many studies have found out that homeschooled students on average outperform their peers on standardized tests. An article in the Journal of College Admission notes that homeschoolers' ACT and SAT scores are higher than those of public school students, and home-educated college students perform as well as or better than traditionally educated students.

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