
What Does A 19 Year Old Millionaire Spend His Money On? (Justified Expenses)

What Does A 19 Year Old Millionaire Spend His Money On? (Justified Expenses)

If you’d like to find out how pay for these sort of expenses by building an incredibly profitable marketing agency, make sure you check out the free training:

A quick summary:

I like to spend money on things that make me more money. I don’t like expenses, I like JUSTIFIED expenses.

For me, a justified expense has to check one (or more) of these three criteria:

1. I can put as a business expense.
2. Helps automate something in my life.
3. Makes me more excited to do my work & grow my company.

If it doesn’t fall within one of those three criteria, 99% I won’t even think of buying it. If it DOES fall within one or more of those criteria, then I’m willing to spend BIG money on it.

I recently dropped £10,000+ on a new office/home setup because EVERY item ticked the box. A lot of money, sure… but this video shows you exactly why I’m willing to spend on ‘Justified Expenses’


Six Figure SMMA, Open For Enrollment Now:


How To Use A Personal Brand To Get 4-Figure Coaching & Retainer Clients On Autopilot:


Hey! If you’re new to the channel… my name is Iman Gadzhi.

I own a digital marketing agency that does $60k/pm+ and an E-Learning business that does $150k/pm+

I’m on a mission to re-form the education system by delivering the best online programs in the world.


If you’d like to work with my marketing agency, you can find out more here:

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