
Tonkawa,Ok.-Police-“Making sure you aren’t a threat or a sovereign!”

Tonkawa,Ok.-Police-“Making sure you aren’t a threat or a sovereign!”

Like, Subscribe and Support News Now Patrick!

If you wanna SUPPORT me on the road feel free to purchase my tee-Shirt heres the link-

or if you just wanna Donate via PAYPAL that is fine also I have several ways you can support me GoFundMe also patreon is a good way to contribute a monthly amount of either $1-$10 your choice any and all donations will go towards gas ,traveling and also keeping law enforcement and other agencies accountable all the links will be here in the description

(PAYPAL)- I prefer paypal over any method it doesn't get taxed :)


this is a good way to support me monthly if you so chooses

(MAILING ADDRESS)- Send mail here- Buffalo,Ok PO BOX 33


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