
The Lung Cancer Living Room™ - The Latest Advances in Treatment - Jan 15th, 2019 - Half Hr Episode

The Lung Cancer Living Room™ - The Latest Advances in Treatment - Jan 15th, 2019 - Half Hr Episode

Hear a panel of survivors share their stories of progress, and insights on treatment in their fight against lung cancer. Dr. Amy Moore and the survivors also give an update regarding the partnerships that ALCMI has made with patient-organized groups (ROS1ders, EGFR Resistors) to do groundbreaking research.

lung cancer,ALCF,support group,oncology,chemotherapy,targeted medicine,genomic sequencing,molecular testing,EGFR,KRAS,ALK,tarceva,xalkori,immunotherapy,opdivo,early detection,CT scan,chronically-managed disease,advocacy,awareness,patient,,survivor,non-smokers,

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