
Tasmania statewide fire ban in place as uncontrolled bushfires rage

Tasmania statewide fire ban in place as uncontrolled bushfires rage

Tasmania statewide fire ban in place as uncontrolled bushfires rage:

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 The Tasmania Fire Service says the Riveaux Rd bushfire will put the area north of Geeveston at very high risk within the next six hours including the areas around Donnellys Rd, Harwoods Rd, Fourfoot Rd, Fairy Falls Rd, Braeside Rd and Castle Forbes Rd.  4.15PM UPDATE: A campground in the Huon Valley has been evacuated after an emergency warning was issued for the Lonnavale township. About 200 campers were still at River’s Edge Wilderness Camping at Lonnavale this morning. The campground will now remain closed until the operators are given the all clear by the Tasmania Fire Service. Police visited the campsite this afternoon to warn people of the impending threat. Also at Lonnavale, a local man plans to evacuate his 27 Siberian huskies if fire threatens his home. Sled Dog Adventures Tasmania co-owner Peter De Vries has a truck ready to load his dogs onto a flee the blaze if needed. He said they would constantly assess the fire situation and weather to decide when to go. “It’s a hard call to make, we don’t want to jump the gun,” he said. “If we go prematurely, we’ve got to go with 27 dogs, which we have to feed and look after away from home. “But we wouldn’t want to have the dogs here if the fire comes through. “We’ll just wait and see, all you can do it keep updated. It’s all unpredictable and things can change quickly.” Howling winds blowing in multiple directions have hampered firefighting efforts. Locals said the fire was currently burning on top of Bee Tree Hill about 15km south of Judbury. Up to five firefighting aircraft, including the fixed-wing airtanker are battling to stop the blaze from spreading. An orange glow and smoke is billowing from the hills south of Judbury. The Sled Dog Adventures Tasmania Siberian Huskies were originally rescue dogs. They now take tourists on dry land rig sled tours around the Huon Valley during winter. A community meeting and information session about the Riveaux Road/Tahune Airwalk bushfire will be held today at 7pm at the Huonville PCYC, 42 Wilmot Rd, Huonville. MORE FIRE NEWS: LIVE COVERAGE: REPLAY THE DAY AS IT HAPPENED GALLERY: STATE ON ALERT AS BUSHFIRES RAGE ROOM FOR A PONY? FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN HELP UPDATE 3.30PM: THE Tahune fire in the Huon Valley has this afternoon reached Bee Tree Hill, about 15km south of Judbury. Up to four helicopters and a fixed-wing aircraft have been patrolling and waterbombing the front in the effort to stop the blaze from spreading. An emergency warning was issued for Judbury and Glen Huon this morning. A northwesterly breeze has persisted for most of the afternoon, preventing the fire from pushing north quickly. Two houses are currently under threat with their owners watching there fate from She Oak Rd. A community meeting and information session about the Riveaux Road/Tahune Airwalk bushfire will be held today at 7pm at the Huonville PCYC, 42 Wilmot Rd, Huonville. Earlier today, about 200 campers were on high alert in Lonnavale as the out-of-control
#Tasmania, #statewide, #fire, #place, #uncontrolled, #bushfires, #rage
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