
Suez garbage truck overtaking where he should not

Suez garbage truck overtaking where he should not

A garbage truck from (BV -LN-33) is, like the rest of us stuck in slow moving traffic. He is behind a group of 7 kids going to school. Lots on oncoming traffic and bollards to slow traffic.

At 0:55 he sees an opportunity to overtake them by accelerating fast. However he did not look ahead enough and now he is at the pinch point while there is oncoming traffic to which he should give way. He can't cut back into the kids because that would possibly kill some of them, but going forth means he fails to give way to oncoming traffic.

Very poor choice to overtake at this moment, especially because a few 100m further the kids will be at school.

Update 2019-01-31: Suez responded in a professional way:

"Goedemiddag, allereerst bedankt voor het zeer duidelijke filmpje. Het is zeker geen geschikte verkeerssituatie voor een inhaalpoging. We gaan het meteen doorsturen naar de teamleiders om dit te bespreken zodat we er lessen uit kunnen halen. Dank! Groeten SUEZ"

"Good afternoon, first thank you for the clear footage. It certainly is not a suitable traffic situation for an overtake attempt. We will sent this to the teamleaders so they can discuss this and learn from it. Thanks! Greetings, SUEZ".


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