Hello guys here I am with another video. In this video I tested the railgun alteration called Round Destabilization. As you guys saw that my dl was above 1 and I used very low drugs(for newbies, drugs in this game means boosts like double armor, speed boost, double damage, mine, and repair kit) In this alteration, it increases damage tremendously and you can even kill an m4 viking in 1 shot with a railgun m2 with double damage. It's cost is 55000 crystals and it is available from rank Warrent Officer 5. I think that this alteration is worth it if you like railgun because it will give you an advantage in battle with the right equipment and tactics. So if you like railgun, go for it. You will smack everyone and do well on your team. Good luck
Music: The Script-superheroes
Recorded with: AZ screen recorder