
Landscape: Krka 7/12 - Krka waterfalls, Mato Jurkovic, academic painter, oil paintings

Landscape: Krka 7/12 - Krka waterfalls, Mato Jurkovic, academic painter, oil paintings

This spot shows a number of waterfalls that occur from the source of the Krka River to the seepage into the sea, where water meets the various falls, fast, flowing into the river. River Krka is fed with such rushes from the surrounding rocky hills that are vivid to the extent that some exotic films have been recorded here. It belongs to the not so well-known beauties of Croatia.

This cycle of landscapes Krka, over 200 works (oil), was created between 2010 and 2015 with the motives of the river Krka and its environment in the Šibenik hinterland inspired by the beauty of this region.

The motives of the Krka River and the untouched nature around it, the stone, the vegetation, the flowers around it.

Mato Jurkovic was born in 1945. He is an academic painter from Croatia and was a longtime professor at the Faculty of Graphic Arts in Zagreb, now a retired. Continues to be active in paintings and at solo and group exhibitions and takes part in humanitarian painters' actions. His paintings are mainly related to figurative themes (flowers and still life paintings, landscape and urban landscape, modern sails, sacral motive, animalism (dogs portrait), nudes and interior and umbrellas), as evidenced by numerous catalogs and other documents.


Mato Jurković, akademski slikar - Pejzaži: Krka 7/12 - Slapovi Krke, ulja na platnu

Spot prikazuje niz slapova koji se događaju od izvora rijeke Krke do ulijevanja u more, gdje voda nailazi na različite padove, brzace, koji se slijevaju u rijeku. Rijeka Krka se napaja takvim brzacima iz okolnih stjenovitih brda koji su živopisni do te mjere da su se ovdje snimali i neki egzotični filmovi. To pripada nedovoljno poznatim ljepotama Hrvatske.

Ovaj ciklus pejzaža Krka, preko 200 radova (ulja), nastao je između 2010. i 2015. g. sa motivima rijeke Krke i njenim okolišem u šibenskom zaleđu inspirirani su ljepotom ovoga kraja.

Motivi sa rijeke Krke i netaknute prirode oko nje, kamena, vegetacije, cvijeća oko nje.

Mato Jurković r. 1945., akademski slikar iz Hrvatske i dugogodišnji profesor na Grafičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu, sada umirovljenik. I dalje aktivno slika i izlaže na samostalnim i skupnim izložbama te sudjeluje u humanitarnim akcijama slikara. Njegovo slikarstvo uglavnom je vezano za figurativne teme (cvijeća i mrtve prirode, pejzaži i urbani pejzaži, jedra, sakralni motivi, animalistički motivi (portreti pasa), aktovi i interijeri, kišobrani), što je evidentirano brojnim katalozima i drugim dokumentima.

mato jurković,mato jurkovic,jurković,jurkovic,slikar,painter,krka,krka7/12,krka 7/12,krka 7,cycle:krka,ciklus:krka,ulje na platnu,oil on canvas,landscape krka,pejzaž krka,slapovi,slapovi krke,waterfalls krka,

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