
Iran Test fires 1350 Km range Turbofan jet Hoveizeh Land attack cruise missile موشك كروز هويزه

Iran Test fires 1350 Km range Turbofan jet Hoveizeh Land attack cruise missile موشك كروز هويزه

February 2, 2019 (Persian calendar 1397/11/13)

Iran has unveiled a surface-to-surface missile with a range of more than 1,350 kilometers (839 Miles) during celebrations marking the 40th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution.

The missile, named Hoveyzeh هويزه after a city in southwest Iran known for its resistance during the 1980s Iraqi war, was showcased at an exhibition of defense achievements in Tehran on Saturday.

"This cruise missile needs a very short time for its preparedness and can fly at a low altitude," Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami سرتيپ امير حاتمي said during the unveiling ceremony.

Hatami said the missile, which has been designed and manufactured by experts at the ministry's aviation industries organization, has a range of over 1,350 kilometers.

Hoveyzeh is from the Soumar family of cruise missiles. It has high precision and accuracy and is capable of heavily destroying ground targets, the defense minister said.

The flight test on Saturday was carried out on a 1,200 km range and the missile accurately hit its targets, Hatami said.

"The Hoveyzeh missile is the symbol of self-belief and an important defense achievement based on today's technological progress in the world."

The missile, he noted, shows that "no obstacle can hinder the Iranian nation's determination and will in the defense field."

Hatami cited remarks by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei who has said Iran "will decisively respond to any kind of threat at the same level."

Head of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corp (IRGC سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامي ايران)'s aerospace division General Amirali Hajizadeh said at the event Iran could now manufacture a full range of missiles after overcoming initial problems in producing jet engines for cruise missiles.

"The long-range Hoveizeh cruise missile موشك كروز هويزه is the long arm of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the cruise missile defense field," Hatami said.

Iran's "success in achieving this technology after the 700-km Soumar cruise missile موشك كروز سومار is an impressive step in increasing the capabilities of the armed forces and the country's deterrent power," he added.

Tehran has reiterated that its missiles are defensive and used for deterrence in the face of repeated foreign threats. The country has said it will not negotiate on its missile capabilities under any circumstances.

Last September, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said that a military war against Iran was out of question, but called on the country's Armed Forces to boost their capabilities capabilities.

"The Armed Forces must upgrade their human and military hardware capabilities on a daily basis through vigilance as well as efficient and dynamic management," Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

'Great capacity'

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani علي لاريجاني said at the event that the eight-year Iraq-imposed war on Iran inflicted heavy costs on the country, but also led to great achievements such as deterrence.

"Iran's capability is a great capacity that should be taken into account," he said at the exhibition of defense achievements.

Larijani stressed that Iran has managed to make progress independently in the nuclear field.

"Regarding the nuclear issue, Iran did not rely on anyone, stood on its own feet and could make progress despite all problems created for Iran," he said.

"We are using our own capacities, and are not dependent on anyone as we have tasted the poison of dependence under the former regime," he said.

Larijani the international community has now "accepted that Iran never wants to lose its dignity."

Iran Test fires 1350 Km long range Turbofan jet Hoveizeh Land attack cruise missile
رونمايي و شليك موشك كروز زمين به زمين برد بلند جت توربوفن هويزه ايران

Iran,Hoveizeh cruise missile,Cruise missile,Ground force,Hoveyzeh cruise missile,موشك كروز هويزه,Surface to Surface missile,1350 Km long range,Turbofan micro jet engine cruise missile,موشك كروز برد بلند جت توربوفن هويزه,Land attack cruise missile,موشك كروز زمين به زمين,

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