
Ibis Paint X Speedpaint // Thunder and Grey Wing - Warrior Cats

Ibis Paint X Speedpaint // Thunder and Grey Wing - Warrior Cats

It feels wierd to draw on my phone again, in Ibis Paint, after such a long time. Ibis used to be my only opportunity to draw digital.
Well, I drew Thunder and Grey Wing, one of my favourite cats, while school breaks and it really distracts me from all the school stress :-) So, be certain, you'll see more Ibis Paint speedpaints in future. I do not feel comfortable with computer program speedpaints I am sorry :( I tried it once before but it's pretty stressy, all the recordings, thinking about to start recording it, and so on.

Anyway, I dunno what you think but they kinda look like they are looking into a camera x3. Oh and look at Thunder´s teeth!!

Music: I wanna get better - Bleachers


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