
I Betrayed My Best Friend And She Has No Idea

I Betrayed My Best Friend And She Has No Idea

I Betrayed My Best Friend And I Don’t Regret It!

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Hi, my name is Ilana, and this is the story of how I betrayed my best friend, and why I don’t regret what I did.
Saskia and I had been best friends since before we were even born. Our mothers became friends at a pregnancy group, and we attended the same playgroup, preschool and the same school. Although we were quite different people- I like sports and Saskia is way more into fashion and art, we could talk for hours and we told each other everything. I never thought something as trivial as our prom could end that.
We’d always kind of made fun of the prom- Saskia thought it was stupid getting so hyped up about one night of the year and desperately trying to ask someone to be your date, and I agreed. We always said that we would go together and just enjoy the night as friends. But that was before Saskia met Will.
Will was from another school, and had only recently transferred to ours. He was intelligent, tall and blond, and had the cutest accent. All of the popular girls wanted to be his girlfriend, and in the space of six months he managed to go out with four different girls. If anyone ever asked him why he had broken up with a particular girl, he would just say that they had been too superficial or self-absorbed for him, and that he was looking for a girl who was clever and funny.

Only I saw straight through his facade, and that was because my cousin Jessica had been his girlfriend at his previous school, and had warned me. She had said that on the outside Will was the perfect guy- smart and sensitive, but in reality he was only after clever girls so they could do his homework, and he was not a nice person at all. Jessica told me that Will would tell her that she was useless, or ugly, and would threaten to tell everyone what a horrible person, selfish person she was if she didn’t let him cheat in exams, or didn’t steal her parents money to give to him. He sounded borderline abusive! When Jessica had finally told someone what Will was doing to her, he humiliated her, telling everyone that she had copied his exam, which made her automatically fail all of hers. I was totally shocked at what she’d told me, and what a monster Will really was.
I got tonsillitis towards the end of term, so had to have the week off. When I got back into school, I found that Saskia had been paired up with Will in science in my absence. And they had got on like a house on fire. Saskia seemed like a different person- all she could talk about was Will.
‘Will is really kind and sensitive- he’s not like all the other boys here who just see girls as objects. He treats me with respect.’

‘Will cares so much more about his studies that other guys I’ve met, it’s so nice to have proper deep conversations with him.’
‘Will told me that my art portfolio is amazing, I can’t believe how sweet he is.’
Usually I would have been really happy for Saskia as she deserved a perfect guy. But I knew that Will was far from perfect, however he appeared at the moment. I had to save my friend before it went too far. I tried telling her what Jessica had told me, but each time I did we would get interrupted by something.
Eventually I cornered her outside the school gates one day. ‘Saskia I need to tell you something.’
‘I need to tell you something too actually. You’ll never guess what! Will just asked me if I would go to the prom with him!’

My heart dropped, this was really bad. Saskia was in danger of getting into a terrible relationship.
‘Saskia, Will isn’t who you think he is. He’s really not a nice person, it’s just a show.’
But Saskia wouldn’t listen. She told me that I was just jealous because we said that we would go to the prom together, but that I should be happy for her that she’d actually found a perfect guy who likes her back. She had run off before I could say anything else.


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