
Christian Catch Phrase Alert: Identifying Ourselves as Followers of Jesus (Growing in Grace #690)

Christian Catch Phrase Alert: Identifying Ourselves as Followers of Jesus (Growing in Grace #690)

One of the things that we often focus on here at Growing in Grace is built around helping believers in Christ to understand the identity we now have in Him as a new creation. Sadly, people are seldom taught they are righteous, holy, complete, forgiven, perfected, saints, etc.

But a catch phrase that *is* often used to identify us as believers: We are “followers of Jesus.” Just exactly what is a follower of Jesus today? Get ready for a wide variety of different answers because it’s one of those talking points within Christianity which people don’t think too much about. Typically, we might think it has to do with following the *teachings* of Jesus. But as previous programs have revealed, Jesus often taught things related to the Old Covenant which targeted Jewish people who were under the law - impossible demands - now made obsolete since the cross.

Almost all references to those who were followers of Jesus are found in the four books of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)… people who literally and physically followed Jesus from one place to the next. But their following ceased at the cross as they were relocated to a New Covenant where they would be led by God’s Spirit. You’re not merely a follower, you are a child of God, living in union with Him.

Mike Kapler & Joel Brueseke
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follow Jesus,followers,identity,new creations,teachings of Jesus,cross,Spirit of God,Christ in us,New Covenant,child of God,son of God,one spirit,

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