This video shows you a bullish setup on INCY with alignment on Multiple Time Frame (MTF), for both a directional and income trade.
We swing and position trade stocks and options using Master Trader Technical Strategies (MTS) to generate wealth and income from Directional and Option Income Trades.
Directional trades generate more profit when supported by the technicals on multiple time frames (MTF).
Master Trader Tip: “MTF Alignment” puts the odds of follow through in your favor!
Part of your Trading Plan and Trade Checklist should include the concept of MTF alignment.
And doing it in high volatility environments like now is preferred since we get paid more for taking risk with high fear!
As options sellers, we take the buyers’ money and get “Paid” by simply making a prediction of where the Stock will NOT go in a few days. For the educated trader, winning trades are systematic; for the uneducated, they are awaiting to empty your pockets.
Learn how Master Trader Technical Strategies – MTS with Credit Spreads can make consistent money.
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Click Here to Learn The Master Trader Swing Trading Strategies to profits over a few days to weeks,
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In the Master Trader Green Room, we trade stocks, options, and ETFs in real-time.
Learn how we scan pre-market compelling Gap Trades and discuss a “plan of attack” to profit.
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