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Ever wondered why so many top session bassists use P basses?
Ever wondered why certain producers and engineers almost flat out refuse to track with anything other than a P bass?
It's weird, right?
Well, in this lesson I've got a very special guest with me... the LA session legend, Sean Hurley. Bassist for the likes of John Mayer, Robin Thicke, Idena Menzell and many, many more.
And you're about to hear his story about the P bass.
About the time when he turned up to the studio with his active 5 string, cut the track... and then was politely told...
"great playing, but errrr... that bass sound... errrr... I'm sure we'll be able to fix it in the mix"
Bass. Players. Nightmare.
Let's be serious.
Any musicians nightmare!
Obviously, check out the video... and find out what happened next, and how it was a defining moment in Sean's career.
As always, see you in the shed...
Scott :)
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