
Top 10 Battle Phase Cards No One Uses in YuGiOh

Top 10 Battle Phase Cards No One Uses in YuGiOh

In this video, I go over 10 of the best cards who have effects that only work in the battle phase and aren't commonly used. That doesn't mean they aren't used at all, its just they're not very popular when compared to more meta cards.
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#yugioh #top10
Duels are all done on YGOpro, its completely free and updated all the time. If you want it, just look for the YGOpro discord and you'll find all you need to download it from there
Some of the Video backgrounds in this video were made by "Amitai Angor AA VFX"
If you want one of my deck list all ready and set for YGOPro, I have all my decks available for download here -
--The List--
10-Dark sanctuary
9 - Rebellion
8 - Tragoedia
7 - Rainbow kuriboh
6 - World legacy world Lance
5 - Juragedo
4 - Moon mirror shield
3 - Battle fader
2 - Electromagnetic turtle
1 - Gorz the emissary of darkness

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