
【GGXrd Rev 2.1】 A few May combos (short)

【GGXrd Rev 2.1】 A few May combos (short)

Her combo routes become linear kind of quick (there can be little difference here and there but the overall presentation does not differ much), so I decided to keep it short and sweet.

Here’s an older May combo video, made when I was quite a noob at this game. I think it’s an okay place to start since things are basic:

Hope you enjoy this clip! Share it with your friends/communities if you do~

Combo Notation and Transcript:

↖ ↑ ↗ = 7 8 9
←N→ = 4 5 6
↙ ↓ ↘ = 1 2 3

j. = during jump/in air
dj. = during double jump/in air
f. = far (proximity)
~ = jump cancel
xx = cancel
[•] = hold button/direction in the bracket

iad = instant air dash (956, sometimes 2956)
jump-stall = input jump cancel but by-pass the jump with a different move

RC = Red Roman Cancel (press the combination of any three buttons without D)
BlitzShield = briefly hold and release H + P/K/S
Instant Kill = activate with P+K+S+H, input 236236H afterwards

【•】 = setups/mixups/transitions (i.e. not the main combo)

P/K/S/H-Dolphin = After summoning the Dolphin with 426P/K/S/H, hold and release the button to release the Dolphin

Dolphin Ride = position May in air within the proximity of a released Dolphin

Ball Jump = jump above the ball and input direction 1, 2 or 3 to kick the ball downwards; May lands backward if direction is 1, forward if 3.

#1 (00:01) – on Ky
5S xx 5H xx 2D xx [4]6H xx RC, air dash j.H, (66) 5S xx 2H xx [2]8H, 5S ~ j.D ~ dj.S xx dj.H xx dj.D xx dj.426H;【426K xx YRC, 2D xx K-Dolphin】

#2 (00:15) – on Kum
623K, iad j.S xx j.H, (lands) j.S xx j.H, (lands) j.K xx j.D ~ dj.S xx dj.H xx dj.426H;【214P xx YRC, Ball Jump, j.H】

#3 (00:26) – on Axl
(Counter) 6[H] xx 214P, 6[H] xx 426H xx RC, (66) 6[H] xx H-Dolphin xx 214P, 6[H] xx 426K **STUN**;5S xx f.5S xx 5H xx K-Dolphin xx 5D(6) xx Instant Kill

#4 (00:48) – on Johnny
【2P xx 2K xx 2D xx 214P;2P xx 5K xx iad xx】 Ball Jump, j.H, 6[H] xx 214P xx RC, (66) 6[H] xx [4]6H, ball hits, (66) 6[H] xx 426K xx RC, 6[H] xx [4]6H xx K-Dolphin Ride xx air dash j.S xx j.H xx j.426H;【426S xx S-Dolphin, Throw into corner】

#5 (01:02) – on Raven
【214P xx YRC】j.S, 5S xx 2D, ball hits, (66) 5S xx 2H xx [2]8H, 5S xx 2H xx [2]8H, 624S-P, (66) 5S xx 2H xx [2]8H;【426K xx YRC】

#6 (01:15) – on Leo
2D xx [4]6H, iad j.K xx j.S xx j.426H(1hit) xx K-Dolphin Ride xx air dash j.S xx j.H, (lands) j.H xx j.D ~ dj.H xx dj.D xx dj.426H;【426K xx K-Dolphin】

#7 (01:25) – on I-No
(Counter) 6[P] xx 6K(whiff), BlitzShield, (66) 5H xx 426K **STUN**;BlitzShield (max charge), (66) 5S xx 5H xx K-Dolphin xx 5D(6) xx 5H xx 5H xx 426K, 5S xx 5H xx [4]6H, K-Dolphin, iad j.S xx j.H xx j.426H;【426K xx YRC, 2K xx 2D xx [2]8S, K-Dolphin】

#8 (01:41) – on Chipp
6[H] xx [4]6H, iad j.P xx j.S xx j.H, 6[H] xx 236236D, (66) 5S xx 2H xx [2]8H, 624H

BGM: Starry Story (May's theme from GGXrd)

#May #GGXrd #Combo


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