
Fix US Government. Cure our sick American Legislators NOW. Mystical Being

Fix US Government. Cure our sick American Legislators NOW. Mystical Being

First we need to each start with "Why have I created this?" Internalize the problem into ourselves and understand that our higher self has sent these circumstances to us to help us learn how to elevate our awareness back up to our true nature. The root of the problem can be found there and then we can correct it. This video discusses example problems and a different way to start curing our sick government. Our congres and senate need to start working for the American people, not against us in the interest of big pharma, third party health insurance companies, energy monopolies, and military manufactureres. etc. Together we can do this, metaphysically and through some 3D communications to our representatives. Please watch, share, add ideas in the comments. Thank you for your help. Together, WE CAN DO THIS!

Enlightenment,Love,Empowerment,Spirituality,Prosperity,Joy,Self-Help,Healing,Mystical,Mystical Being,Adam Abbott,Heal Trump,Trump,Congress,Senate,Washing DC,Fix Washington DC,Fix Government,Sick Government,Bad Laws,Medicare,Medicare Part D,Corrupt Legislation,Kickbacks,USA,Cure America,Fix American Government,America,Fix Congress,Fix Senate,

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