
Can you be too kind sometimes?

Can you be too kind sometimes?

A few days ago, someone I appreciate told me: ´I can be too kind at times..´ Implying, or at least this is what I understood, that he could love too much, that one has to measure the love one gives and restrict its free flowing, that means one has to assess who deserves love, kindness and who does not.
I don´t think so.
If you look at nature, a great reference for modelling behaviour... divine behaviour... you will see that scented roses smell regardless of who smell them... they don´t choose to withdraw their smell if they fall into the hands of a angry person... they keep their beauty and their magnificent scent... they don´t choose to smell just a little or occasionally to the person who cares for them... and certainly they do not stop growing, blossoming, displaying their beauty, because that is their essence like love is our essence.
On the other hand, It is true that plants as well as any other living being, are extremely sensitive to love and there are experiments where you can see a plan blossoming if they are treated well and having challenges with their growth if they are treated not so well... even dying if they are not cared for adequately or spoken to in a nice way. And this is the power of loving kindness, we can see it again in nature.
These plants who have been spoken to nicely, start to glow... those plants who have been spoken to in a nasty way, get ill and die. So if plants can feel that... imagine animals... imagine what unkindness does to humans... to our children...
So, if you ever thought that you are too kind, or too loving, or too nice... think again... you can never give too much love because love is what you are, love is your essence and your destiny, love is your present and it´s your future.
You feel that sometimes your love is not appreciated, or seen or even wanted, that´s why you feel that you love too much or that you are too kind. You might have been judged by being too nice and even called names, specially if you are man...
Let that never stop you being the love that you are and spreading your scent to everyone you meet, because that love is your essence and loving kindness is your signature...
So be yourself no matter what and lift up the world with your beautiful, loving essence.
Learn more about the Consciousness Academy here: www.ConsciousnessAcademy.Global

kindness,love,loving kindness,essence,

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