
Bland Group WINS Senior First Prize at Cavalcade 2019 - Gibraltar

Bland Group WINS Senior First Prize at Cavalcade 2019 - Gibraltar

Bland Group WINS Senior First Prize at Cavalcade 2019 - Gibraltar with COCO.
As the Three Kings Cavalcade celebrated its 62nd anniversary with 17 floats, the second largest in its history, Bland Group were proudly crowned winners in the senior category.
The concept for this year’s float was based on the Disney/Pixar film Coco. True to theme, the stage was bursting with sound, colour and life brought by the children and adults that participated.
Staff from across the Bland Group companies contributed to the project, which took over 6 weeks to complete. From the outset their commitment to making this an incredible float was evident. The attention to detail has unearthed some hidden talents from staff members right across the Group.
Dante the Dog and Pepita the spiritual guide were hand crafted with papier-mâché and wire, decoupage and adorned with delicate jewels. The guitar was hand painted and each string colourfully displayed. It was important for the Group to bring together it’s children for this community event. A huge success, the 38 children participated all wearing clothes and makeup that would be worn for the Mexican tradition of the ‘Day of the Dead’ and took centre stage on the float. The Mariachi Band filled the streets with their traditional Mexican music whilst 14 members of staff dressed up as the main characters from the movie.
As sunset fell, the colour continued, the Marigold Bridge decorated with petals, lit up and the array of vibrant lights, music filled the float with spirit.
The group thoroughly enjoyed the fun evening bringing together their families together to celebrate the success of the hard work carried out in the lead up to the event.
A big thank you to all our staff without whom this success wouldn’t have been possible and to Fill-A-Skip who loaned the lorry for the event. Staff are now back to the drawing board for next years theme!!

Bland Group WINS,Cavalcade 2019 - Gibraltar,WINNERS,GIBRALTAR,COCO,GIBAIR,

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