To all those who want to trade the Forex Market: If you want to have low spread, leverage 1:500 for any citizen from any country including United States and do scalping or trade with EA - open live account here:
Well, I'm now on the east coast, here in Virginia as of September 13, 2018 as I edit this video. Life is about to get a whole lot more exciting for me and I'm bound to take even more money away from 'dumb money traders' who lack insight into the market, lack experience, and lack vision. If you want to gain insight as to what the market can or could do, you can accept and study others opinions here:
But, let it be on record, as usual, that I DO NOT give advice(and never will) about what you should or should not do in the market as it pertains to trading. That is your responsibility. Watch my videos and you will see that it's possible to make money trading. If you want to become great you have to train yourself and not expect a handout. If you want something for nothing, then you need to go to a Casino and play slots.
Trading is risky for those with little experience, which is about 90% - 95% of those traders who try trading the currency market. Let it also be known that if you want to succeed with trading there is a price to pay, as my cousin constantly told me & reminded me about this many years ago. There is NO free ride.
Let it be recorded that if you are the type of person who likes to cheat the market, you will get BURNED by the market. And, I promise you, YOU won't like it. Lastly, let it be on the record that since I don't give advice, due to the inherit nature of the humans who want it, I am neither selling information or any other service related to selling or giving advice. If you want to become a profitable trader, you need to work for it as if your life depended on it.
If you don't have this type of attitude, then go back to where you come from and sit down, for 5 hours at least, and then think about what you really want to do with your life and find something that you are willing to die for. If you can't do that, then you're not living life. With that said, may the force of the pips be with you; always !!