
1.11.19 Day five, flight six

1.11.19  Day five, flight six

Smithsburg, MD. The first flight on this day wasn't recorded. The highly-paid, professional videographer took a nap at an inopportune time and missed the flight.
It was at or below freezing today. We started around noon by getting the streamers out in the LZ and getting the glider set up and pre-flighted. The wing was carried to the top of hill, only to discover that the gusts had ramped up since first arrived. After pausing the action for a bit, we proceeded with caution, and flew a total of six flights the rest of the afternoon.
The wind was turning cross with increasing frequency as the afternoon went on. It was quite textured at times, as well. With the higher energy in the dense air, the instructor suggested we do wheel landings today.
It was a good day of flying, with no bad landings.


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