
Rocket nozzle explodes during OmegA static fire test (+ slow mo)

Rocket nozzle explodes during OmegA static fire test (+ slow mo) What: Full-scale test of OmegA first stage, slow motion replay of explosion, excerpts from press conference
Where: Northrop Grumman facility in Promontory, Utah
Northrop Grumman conducted a [mostly successful] full-scale static fire test of the first stage of OmegA, the company’s new intermediate/heavy-class rocket for national security missions, in Promontory, Utah. More than 12 feet in diameter and 80 feet long, the OmegA first stage will fire for 122 seconds and produce more than two million pounds of thrust.

Regarding the press conference at the end, it may be enlightening to take a look at the background of Kent Rominger and his employer. He was a captain in the US Navy (equivalent to full colonel in the other services) with more than 5000 flight hours in 35 different aircraft and 685 carrier landings. He was also a NASA astronaut who flew on 5 shuttle missions, and still holds the Space Shuttle Orbiter flight time record with 1610 hours. Since 2006 he has been Northrop Grumman's VP of Advanced Programs. Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems was formerly Orbital ATK, which was formerly the old chemical company Thiokol. In 1986, Thiokol (MTI) was found at fault for the failure of an O-ring in one of their solid rocket boosters which resulted in the destruction of Space Shuttle Challenger, and the deaths of its 7 astronauts.

Outro music: CO.AG - Anything is Possible
Outro video clips courtesy NASA and SpaceX

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