
Jewish Man Tells WWII Truth but YouTube deletes his Report

Jewish Man Tells WWII Truth but YouTube deletes his Report Jewish man David Cole made a fair, rational, science-based movie that shows an alternative view of the WWII story of the "death camp" at Auschwitz, in which not only was there no breach of YouTube's community guidelines, but there was nothing against ANY group, including his own people the Jews, whereby one could label it hate speech or inciting violence, the two blame-game labels to make anyone sound like the bad guy. If the truth is horrible and ends up looking bad for a particular race, does it justify destruction of fairly and properly put forth information? It certainly is shocking if the holocaust is not even close to what we thought it was, but that's all the more reason to uncover it and get to the truth. I thought we were Americans that believe in truth and justice, and we need to find out that truth and punish those who have created these lies which now we have massive amounts of our society based on. We cannot be too proud to admit we are wrong even after a long time after the event and many things we now use and think are based on a lie. Otherwise we are all liars and our shame will be revealed.

UPDATE: David Cole is in America, and I am not sure about the information he was beaten either, but that is what I heard, sorry for any misrepresentation of that detail.

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