
Religion Shown To Be Evil ... In Some of The Least Suspecting Places

Religion Shown To Be Evil ... In Some of The Least Suspecting Places Religion Shown To Be Evil ... In Some of The Least Suspecting Places

There is (esoteric) deep truth found throughout this "theme song." Just take "so gallantly STREAMING" which to me a clear signal that these g6ds invade us from the silent waters of the Akashic Records - the source of the mind ... all is thought right into our bloodstream. More is seen in kids lyrics like "gently down the stream."

Today, we've sunk so low that the Archon doesn't bother with outdated obsolete subliminal messages anymore. They just use continue with the same old same old ... keep building schools, churches and of course sports stadiums ... and they will come ... build it and they will come ... and we did and will ... by the thousands. How EZ the Archon truly have it with a filler-full mindset poopulation. We used to be human racers now we've reduced ourselves to human beans - purely Archon zombie ant energy sources. People don't wake up because there's nothing in them to awaken anymore.

Source link:

To think that most of us get all frothy mad at known burglars and rapists ... which is to be expected, but as for the mind parasites that rob their life-force energy nightly and others 24-7 ... cue cricket chirp audio. Pretty sad commentary. As Bill Donahue says, "The world is an insane asylum."

As an aside, the Archon (aetheric influences) are at the root and stem of human negativity such as lust/desire.

It's true. Most/many of our thoughts are done by these initiates. In fact, it's proven that some of our thoughts aren't our own. Google the Libet Experiment.

Here is the link to the playlist with it in it (the first video) from my other YouTube channel:


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