
Something Massive Hit The Super Blood Wolf Moon During The Lunar Eclipse

Something Massive Hit The Super Blood Wolf Moon During The Lunar Eclipse

Something massive hit the Super Blood Wolf Moon during the Lunar eclipse. Astronomers noticed something massive hit the super blood wolf moon.
The super blood wolf moon was recently seen by many all over the world. Skywatchers have come forward and said they saw something hit the blood moon.
One person said the following about the event "I sitting out in my garden watching the event when I saw something that caught my eye. I was looking through my telescope at the time and I saw what appeared to be a flash. At first I thought it was nothing and didn't think much of it. However around 5 minutes later my friend called me and asked if I was watching the Moon. I told him I was and he asked whether I had just seen the bright flash.
I was quite excited that someone else had seen it too and we discussed possibilities about what it could have been. We came to the conclusion that it was most likely an meteor impact. It made the night even more interesting because not only did I see the blood moon but I also witnessed a meteorite hitting the moon.
Thank you for watching!
Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
Image: Jose M. Madiedo/MIDAS

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