
Psalm 8 - One Thing We Need to Know About Ourselves (A Bible Devotional - Mountain Strong 1-3-1)

Psalm 8 - One Thing We Need to Know About Ourselves (A Bible Devotional - Mountain Strong 1-3-1)

"To err is human." Think so? We tend to have a very low view of ourselves, but God thought so much of us that he gave us dominion over the works of His own hands (Psalm 8:6) - this world, and all that's in it (Genesis 1:28). Watch to learn more!
Shot January 14 at Carr-Gottstein Park / Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge in 26 Degree Farhenheit (-3 Celsius) Weather.
#MountainStrong #PracticallyExegetical #BibleStudy #Psalms #Devotional #Alaska

Church of Christ,Psalms,Devotional,Anchorage,Alaska,Outdoors,Wisdom Literature,Old Testament,Positivity,Christian,Christianity,Faith,Self-Esteem,

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