
Physician, Heal Yourself

Physician, Heal Yourself

In this video, a excerpt from the Mass Readings Explained, Dr. Brant Pitre discusses Jesus' second part of the narrative from Jesus' first homily in Nazareth.
Jesus says the bizarre phrase "Doubtless you will quote me this proverb, 'Physician, heal yourself.'" What does Jesus mean by this?
The Gospel reading for today from Luke 4 is also where we get the famous phrase that a prophet is rejected in his home town, very much attesting to oft-used phrase, "familiarity breeds contempt."
Jesus likens his audience to their corrupt ancestors during the time of Jeremiah and Elisha, saying that each of them rather than speaking to the Israelites, brought God's word and favor to the gentiles. And, for this reason, they attempt to kill Jesus.
Notable quote:
Now I don’t know about you, but whenever I see this passage…if I was sitting in the synagogue and he quoted this, I’d just be like, “Oh. That’s interesting. Naʹaman… widow of Zarʹephath… okay.” I would not rise up and want to throw him off of a hill for saying that. So if you don’t understand the crowd’s vehement response to Jesus, it’s obvious that you don’t get the allusion to those Old Testament texts that he’s quoting there. So it’s really important for us to actually go back to those Old Testament passages and look at them in context.
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Brant Pitre,Catholic Productions,Jesus the messiah,Messiah,Mass Readings Explained,physician heal yourself,a prophet is never accepted,

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